Educational Assistance
The Solon Area Community Foundation (SACF) was established in 1981 to develop and support a wide variety of youth and community projects to benefit the Solon area.
The Foundation annually gives three $750 scholarships to Solon High School seniors as well as a $4,000 Doris Looney Memorial Scholarship (over $47,500 to date)
How To Apply
Scholarship applications are due by April 1st each year. Application forms are available at the Solon High School. Please specify if you want an application for the Solon High School scholarship or the Dorris Looney scholarship. Upon completing the application form, please email your completed Scholarship Application to [email protected]
2023 SACF Scholarship Recipients
We are excited to announce the recipients of the SACF Scholarships for 2023. Please join us in congratulating the following students.
- Nora Dibble $750
- Georgia Havlicek $400
- Brodie Cash $750
- Adam Smith $750
Congratulations to all Solon High School Graduates of 2023!